目录产品 » 稳定细胞系 » Human Recombinant Adenosine A1 Receptor Stable Cell Line
CHO-K1/ADORA1/Gα15 Stable Cell Line

Figure 1. NECA-induced concentration-dependent stimulation of intracellular calcium mobilization in CHO-K1/ADORA1/Gα15 cells. The cells were loaded with Calcium-4 prior to being stimulated with agonist NECA. The intracellular calcium change was measured by FLIPR. The relative fluorescent units (RFU) were normalized and plotted against the log of the cumulative doses of NECA (Mean ± SD, n = 2). The EC50 of NECA on this cell was 58.0 nM.
1. EC50 value is calculated with four parameter logistic equation:
Y=Bottom + (Top-Bottom)/(1+10^((LogEC50-X)*HillSlope))
X is the logarithm of concentration. Y is the response
Y is RFU and starts at Bottom and goes to Top with a sigmoid shape.
2. Signal to background Ratio (S/B) = Top/Bottom

CHO-K1/ADORA1/Gα15 Stable Cell Line

A1 is a receptor for adenosine. It is demonstrated that the A1 receptor is ubiquitous throughout the entire body. Activation of A1 elicits an inhibition of adenylate cyclase and therefore a decrease in the cAMP concentration. A1 receptors are implicated in sleep promotion by inhibiting wake promoting cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain. Adenosine antagonists are widely used in neonatal medicine.


A1 receptor, Ri, RDC7, adenosine A1 receptor , A1AR, A1R, A1-AR, AA1R, Ri

Applications Functional assay for ADORA1 receptor

Storage Liquid nitrogen immediately upon delivery
Species Human

Freeze Medium 45% culture medium, 45% FBS (Cat. #10099-141, Gibco), 10% DMSO (Cat. #D2650, Sigma)
Culture Medium Ham’s F-12K (Kaighn’s), 10% FBS, 200 μg/ml Zeocin (Cat. #R250-01, Life Technologies), 200 μg/ml Hygromycin B (Cat. #10687010, Invitrogen)

  • CHO-K1/ADORA1/Gα15 Stable Cell Line
  • CHO-K1/ADORA1/Gα15 Stable Cell Line

    Figure 1. NECA-induced concentration-dependent stimulation of intracellular calcium mobilization in CHO-K1/ADORA1/Gα15 cells. The cells were loaded with Calcium-4 prior to being stimulated with agonist NECA. The intracellular calcium change was measured by FLIPR. The relative fluorescent units (RFU) were normalized and plotted against the log of the cumulative doses of NECA (Mean ± SD, n = 2). The EC50 of NECA on this cell was 58.0 nM.
    1. EC50 value is calculated with four parameter logistic equation:
    Y=Bottom + (Top-Bottom)/(1+10^((LogEC50-X)*HillSlope))
    X is the logarithm of concentration. Y is the response
    Y is RFU and starts at Bottom and goes to Top with a sigmoid shape.
    2. Signal to background Ratio (S/B) = Top/Bottom






