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The Long Pentraxin PTX3 Is of Major Importance Among Acute Phase Proteins in Chickens.

Front Immunol. 2019-01; 
BurkhardtNina B, RöllSusanne, StaudtAnke, EllederDaniel, HärtleSonja, CostaTaiana, AlberAndreas, StevensMark P, VerveldeLonneke, SchusserBenjamin, KaspersB
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DNA Sequencing … Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 4 Reproductive Biotechnology, Technical University … fish: ENSDART00000112933.3). Sanger-sequencing of PCR products for alignment was commissioned to GATC Biotech AG …PCR products were mixed with one sixth volume of 6x loading buffer with GelRed (GenScript Biotech, Piscataway, NJ... Get A Quote


The expression level of acute phase proteins (APPs) mirrors the health status of an individual. In human medicine, C-reactive protein (CRP), and other members of the pentraxin family are of significant relevance for assessing disease severity and prognosis. In chickens, however, which represent the most common livestock species around the world, no such marker has yet gained general acceptance. The aim of this study was therefore, to characterize chicken pentraxin 3 (chPTX3) and to evaluate its applicability as a general marker for inflammatory conditions. The mammalian and chicken PTX3 proteins were predicted to be similar in sequence, domain organization and polymeric structure. Nevertheless, ... More


LPS,acute phase proteins,avian pathogenic E. coli,chicken,inflammation,next generation sequencing,pentr