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An intein-based biosensor to measure protein stability in vivo

Protein Sci. 2024-03; 
Ahyun Son, John S Smetana, Scott Horowitz , Christopher W Lennon
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Gene Synthesis Genscript from a pUC4K background (Vieira & Messing, 1982)...Plasmids pHis-IntWT-MBPWT-GFP and pHis-IntWT-MBPMUT-GFP were prepared by Genscript from a pET28b(+) Get A Quote


Biosensors to measure protein stability in vivo are valuable tools for a variety of applications. Previous work has demonstrated that a tripartite design, whereby a protein of interest (POI) is inserted within a reporter, can link POI stability to reporter activity. Inteins are translated within other proteins and excised in a self-mediated protein splicing reaction. Here, we developed a novel folding biosensor where a POI is inserted within an intein, which is subsequently translated within an antibiotic resistance marker. We showed that protein splicing is required for antibiotic resistance and that housing a stable POI within the intein, compared to an unstable variant, results in a 100,000-fold difference i... More


biosensor; chaperone; intein; protein folding; protein splicing.