目录产品 » 蛋白分离纯化 » 蛋白纯化介质 » Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

Figure 1.
Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein from E. coli lysate

1. Whole cell lysate
2. Flow through
3. Protein marker
4‐8. Eluate of target DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein (M.W. 60.4 kDa)

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

Figure 2.
Purification of N‐ terminus and Cterminus DYKDDDDK ‐tagged proteins

1‐2.Eluate of N‐terminus DYKDDDDKtagged protein (M.W. 19.2 kDa)
3. Protein marker
4‐5. Eluate of C‐terminus DYKDDDDKtagged protein (M.W. 26.4 kDa)

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

Figure 3.
Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein from mammalian cells

1. Protein marker
2. Supernatant from cultured CHO cells
3. Flow through after binding
4. Eluate of target DYKDDDDK ‐tagged protein (M.W. 27.6 kDa)

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

Figure 4.
Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged glycoprotein from mammalian cells

The upper figure shows SDS‐PAGE analysis result and the lower figure shows Western blot result.

1. Protein marker
2. Supernatant from CHO cells expressing target glycoprotein
3. Flow through after binding
4. Eluate of target DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein (M.W. 50.0 kDa)

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

Figure 5.
Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged proteins using different elution methods.

1. Protein #1 (M.W. 16.8 kDa) by competitive elution using 300 μg/ml DYKDDDDK peptide.
2. Protein #2 (M.W. 54.6 kDa) by neutral elution with 3M NaCl
3. Protein #3 (M.W. 27.6 kDa) by acid elution, pH 3.5
4. Protein #1 (M.W. 16.8 kDa) by alkaline elution, pH 10.5
5. Protein #1 (M.W. 16.8 kDa) by alkaline elution, pH 12

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

Figure 6.
Benchmark with Sigma‐Aldrich’s ANTI‐FLAG M2 Affinity Gel

Side‐by‐side comparison of DYKDDDDKtagged protein purification with GenScript’s Anti‐DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin and Sigma‐Aldrich’s ANTI‐FLAG M2 Affinity Gel, from same staring material following manufacturer suggested procedures.

1. Protein marker
2. Purification from M2 gel (pH 3.5 elution)
3. Purification from G1 resin (pH 12.0 elution)

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

GenScript Anti‐DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin (Cat. No. L00432) is designed for the purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein from commonly used protein expression systems including bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells.

Product Description GenScript Anti‐DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin (Cat. No. L00432) is designed for the purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein from commonly used protein expression systems including bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells.
Key Features
Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin (L00432)
Immunoprecipitation (IP)
ElutionAlkaline elutionn/a
Alkalescent elution
Acid elution
Neutral elution
Competitive elution
SDS-PAGE loading synthesize buffer
Regeneration4-10 times

Product Content 50% settled resin in TBS with 0.02% sodium azide
Matrix 4% cross‐linked agarose
Average Bead size 90 μm
Ligand Mouse monoclonal antibody against DYKDDDDK tag, clone G1  
Binding Capacity Approximately 1.5 mg DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein per ml settled resin
Storage & Stability Store at 2‐8 °C for up to 12 months. Do not freeze the resin.
Resin Reuse The resin can be recycled for at least 4 times. If maintained properly, the resin can be reused 10 times with minimum loss of binding capability.
Elution Method Acid, alkaline, neutral, peptide competitive or SDS‐PAGE loading buffer elutions*
(*If elute with SDS-PAGE loading buffer, the heavy chain of G1 antibody will be denatured and release from the resin.)
Reagents Compatibility Compatible with commonly used reagents at certain concentrations

  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

    Figure 1.
    Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein from E. coli lysate

    1. Whole cell lysate
    2. Flow through
    3. Protein marker
    4‐8. Eluate of target DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein (M.W. 60.4 kDa)

  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

    Figure 2.
    Purification of N‐ terminus and Cterminus DYKDDDDK ‐tagged proteins

    1‐2.Eluate of N‐terminus DYKDDDDKtagged protein (M.W. 19.2 kDa)
    3. Protein marker
    4‐5. Eluate of C‐terminus DYKDDDDKtagged protein (M.W. 26.4 kDa)

  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

    Figure 3.
    Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein from mammalian cells

    1. Protein marker
    2. Supernatant from cultured CHO cells
    3. Flow through after binding
    4. Eluate of target DYKDDDDK ‐tagged protein (M.W. 27.6 kDa)

  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

    Figure 4.
    Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged glycoprotein from mammalian cells

    The upper figure shows SDS‐PAGE analysis result and the lower figure shows Western blot result.

    1. Protein marker
    2. Supernatant from CHO cells expressing target glycoprotein
    3. Flow through after binding
    4. Eluate of target DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein (M.W. 50.0 kDa)

  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

    Figure 5.
    Purification of DYKDDDDK‐tagged proteins using different elution methods.

    1. Protein #1 (M.W. 16.8 kDa) by competitive elution using 300 μg/ml DYKDDDDK peptide.
    2. Protein #2 (M.W. 54.6 kDa) by neutral elution with 3M NaCl
    3. Protein #3 (M.W. 27.6 kDa) by acid elution, pH 3.5
    4. Protein #1 (M.W. 16.8 kDa) by alkaline elution, pH 10.5
    5. Protein #1 (M.W. 16.8 kDa) by alkaline elution, pH 12

  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
  • Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

    Figure 6.
    Benchmark with Sigma‐Aldrich’s ANTI‐FLAG M2 Affinity Gel

    Side‐by‐side comparison of DYKDDDDKtagged protein purification with GenScript’s Anti‐DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin and Sigma‐Aldrich’s ANTI‐FLAG M2 Affinity Gel, from same staring material following manufacturer suggested procedures.

    1. Protein marker
    2. Purification from M2 gel (pH 3.5 elution)
    3. Purification from G1 resin (pH 12.0 elution)






