目录产品 » 蛋白分离纯化 » 蛋白分离磁珠 » AmMag™ Ni Magnetic beads

AmMag™ Ni Magnetic beads

GenScript’s AmMag™ Ni magnetic beads are designed for purification and screening of histidine-tagged (his-tagged) proteins. The beads are highly EDTA and DTT resistant (Table2), enabling them to bind proteins in the presence of chelators. The beads are also optimized for easy cleanup and regeneration, for reuse with multiple samples. Table 1 describes the basic properties of the AmMag™ Ni magnetic beads.

Product Description GenScript’s AmMag™ Ni magnetic beads are designed for purification and screening of histidine-tagged (his-tagged) proteins. The beads are highly EDTA and DTT resistant (Table2), enabling them to bind proteins in the presence of chelators. The beads are also optimized for easy cleanup and regeneration, for reuse with multiple samples. Table 1 describes the basic properties of the AmMag™ Ni magnetic beads.  

Ligand Nickel-charged TED (tris-carboxymethyl ethylene diamine)
Binding capacity About 20 mg histidine-tagged protein /ml settled beads
Matrix Highly cross-linked spherical 4% agarose including magnetite
Average particle size ~70 μm
Storage solution 20% ethanol (25% slurry)
Storage & Stability 2-8 °C (Do NOT freeze)

For research and manufacturing use. Direct human use, including taking orally and injection are forbidden.  






