目录产品 » Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G
Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G

Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G

MabSelect PrismA standard curve

Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G

Various Protein A ligand standard curves

Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G

GenScript Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G is designed to accurately quantify most forms of Protein A, including native Protein A, recombinant Protein A variants and Alkali-tolerant recombinant protein A variants.

Product Description Protein A affinity chromatography is widely used for antibody purification. The leakage of Protein A ligands has become a significant problem in the pharmaceutical industry, even when Protein A ligands are covalently bound to chromatography support. It also probably causes false results in immunological assays if an antibody is contaminated with Protein A. Therefore, the assessment of residual Protein A is a critical quality control step in the production process of antibodies.
Leached Protein A tends to interact with residual immunoglobulins in the sample through its Fc binding domain. This interaction hinders the formation of complexes between the anti-Protein A antibodies and Protein A, thereby interfering with the accurate quantification of Protein A in immunoassays and leading to a significant underestimation of Protein A impurities. It is noteworthy that the extent of this interference varies considerably among different antibodies, with a particularly common occurrence in many human IgGs.
GenScript Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G (Cat. No. L01043) is designed to accurately quantify most forms of Protein A available on the market, including native Protein A, recombinant Protein A variants and Alkali-tolerant recombinant protein A variants. This kit provides a unique ‘Denaturing Solution’ that effectively disrupts the binding between Protein A and IgG, thereby minimizing its interference with quantification. In comparison to traditional boiling methods for Protein A dissociation, this kit offers a more accurate, simple-to-use, precise and highly sensitive method for quantifying Protein A, with a detection limit as low as 62.5 pg/mL, in mouse, rat, rabbit, or human antibody samples.
This kit can be used to measure trace amounts of Protein A in therapeutic antibody products in the pharmaceutical industry. Antibody suppliers can use the kit to evaluate Protein A containment level of the products. It also makes it easier for the manufacturers of Protein A affinity chromatography media in the process of monitoring the leaching characteristics of the media under specific conditions. 

LLOQ 0.0625 ng/mL
ULOQ 4 ng/mL
Kit Contents
Component Quantity/Size Part No.
Capture Plate 1 plate Y1-80
MabSelect PrismA Stock 1 vial (0.1 mL) Y1-10
Biotin conjugated anti-Protein A Antibody 1 bottle (12 mL) Y1-20
Streptavidin HRP 1 bottle (12 mL) Y1-30
Sample Dilution Buffer 1 bottle (60 mL) Y1-60
Denaturing Solution 1 bottle (10 mL) Y1-91
Detection Buffer 1 bottle (12 mL) Y1-90
20×Wash Solution 1 bottle (60 mL) B-A1-71
TMB Solution 1 bottle (12 mL) B-A1-40
Stop Solution 1 bottle (6 mL) B-A1-50
Plate Sealer 2 pieces /
Storage The unopened kit is stable for at least 12 months from the date of manufacture at 2°C to 8°C, and the opened kit is stable for up to 1 month from the date of opening at 2°C to 8°C.

Assay Principle This kit is based on the sandwich ELISA method. Standards and samples containing Protein A are first diluted in the Sample Dilution Buffer provided with the kit and the Denaturing Solution is then added and mixed to dissociate the Protein A and the antibody in the samples. Subsequently, standards or dissociated samples are added to the capture plate coated with the anti-Protein A capture antibody, allowing the Protein A ligand in the standards or samples can be captured on the plate. Then anti-Protein A detection antibody conjugated with biotin is added to interact with the Protein A ligand bound on the plate. Streptavidin-Horseradish Peroxidase conjugate (Streptavidin-HRP) is added to interact with the biotin conjugated anti-Protein A antibody. After washing steps, 3,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine solution (TMB Solution) is added to the plate and color development is stopped by the addition of stop solution. Application of the Stop Solution results in the color changing from blue to yellow. The color intensity can be read at 450 nm and 650nm by a microplate reader. The Protein A standard curve can be used to accurately quantify the amount of Protein A in the samples.
2.       CLSI EP05-A3 (Evaluation of Precision of Quantitative Measurement Procedures; Approved Guideline—Third Edition)

  • Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G
  • Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G

  • Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G
  • Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G

    MabSelect PrismA standard curve

  • Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G
  • Protein A ELISA Kit, 2G

    Various Protein A ligand standard curves

For research use only. Not intended for human or animal clinical trials, therapeutic or diagnostic use.






