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Molecular cloning and functional analysis of TRAF6 from Yangzhou great white goose Anser anser.
Authors: Guo Y, Xu Y, Kang X, Meng C, Gu D, Zhou Y, Xiong D, Geng S, Jiao X, Pan Z.
Journal: Dev Comp Immunol
PubMed ID: 31288047
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Retinal pigment epithelium degeneration caused by aggregation of PRPF31 and the role of HSP70 family of proteins.
Authors: Valdés-Sánchez L, Calado SM,, de la Cerda B, Aramburu A,, García-Delgado AB, Massalini S,, Montero-Sánchez A, Bhatia V, Rodríguez-Bocanegra E,, Diez-Lloret A, Rodríguez-Martínez D, Chakarova C, Bhattacharya SS, Díaz-Corrales FJ.
Journal: Mol Med
PubMed ID: 31892304
Doi: 10.1186/s10020-019-0124-z
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Expression of a novel versican variant in dorsal root ganglia from spared nerve injury rats.
Authors: Bogen O,, Bender O, Alvarez P, Kern M, Tomiuk S, Hucho F, Levine JD,.
Journal: Mol Pain
PubMed ID: 31429356
Doi: 10.1177/1744806919874557
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Characterization and expression of tyrosinase-like genes in the anemone Exaiptasia pallida as a function of health and symbiotic state.
Authors: Bailey GF, Bilsky AM, Rowland MB, Poole AZ.
Journal: Dev Comp Immunol
PubMed ID: 31377102
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Non-canonical Notch Signaling Regulates Actin Remodeling in Cell Migration by Activating PI3K/AKT/Cdc42 Pathway.
Authors: LiuLei,ZhangLin,ZhaoShuo,ZhaoXu-Yang,MinPeng-Xiang,MaYa-Dong,WangYue-Yuan,ChenYan,TangSi-Jie,ZhangYu-Jie,DuJun,G
Journal: Front Pharmacol
PubMed ID: 31057403
Doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00370
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Genetic diversity and antigenicity analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumolysin isolated from children with pneumococcal infection.
Authors: HanChenxi,ZhangMi
Journal: Int. J. Infect. Dis.
PubMed ID: 31255709
Doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2019.06.025
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Frequency of kdr and kdr-his Alleles in Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Populations From the United States, Costa Rica, France, and Thailand.
Authors: OlafsonPia Untalan,KaufmanPhillip E,DuvalletGérard,SolórzanoJosé-Arturo,TaylorDavid B,FryxellRebecca T
Journal: J. Med. Entomol.
PubMed ID: 30768670
Doi: 10.1093/jme/tjz012
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Overexpression of Peroxidase Gene Confers Salt Tolerance in Soybean.
Authors: JinTing,SunYangyang,ZhaoRanran,ShanZhong,GaiJunyi,L
Journal: Int J Mol Sci
PubMed ID: 31370221
Doi: 10.3390/ijms20153745
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
RhopH3, rhoptry gene conserved in the free-living alveolate flagellate Colpodella sp. (Apicomplexa).
Authors: Sam-Yellowe TY, Yadavalli R, Fujioka H, Peterson JW, Drazba JA.
Journal: Eur J Protistol
PubMed ID: 31689662
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Depletion of SNAP-23 and Syntaxin 4 alters lipid droplet homeostasis during Chlamydia infection.
Authors: Monteiro-Brás T,,, Wesolowski J, Paumet F.
Journal: Microb Cell
PubMed ID: 32025513
Doi: 10.15698/mic2020.02.707
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   






