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Expression, purification and epitope analysis of Pla a 3 allergen from Platanus acerifolia pollen.
Authors: Ni WW, Wang LB, Zhou YJ, Cao MD, Huang W, Guo M, Ji CM, Sun JL, Wei JF.
Journal: Mol Med Rep
PubMed ID: 28656246
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Novel aspects of sialoglycan recognition by the Siglec-like domains of streptococcal SRR glycoproteins
Authors: Bensing BA, Khedri Z, Deng L, Yu H, Prakobphol A, Fisher SJ, Chen X, Iverson TM, Varki A, Sullam PM
Journal: Glycobiology
PubMed ID: 27037304
Doi: 10.1093/glycob/cww042
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Genetic characterization of emergent GII17 norovirus variants from 2013 to 2015 in Nanjing, China
Authors: Xuan Wang, Xuefei Du, Wei Yong, Mengkai Qiao, Min He, Limin Shi, Baofu Guo, Lei Hong, Yun Jiang, Guoxiang Xie, Jie Ding
Journal: J Med Microbiol
PubMed ID: 27902379
Doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.000363
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Potential of Tetracycline Resistance Proteins To Evolve Tigecycline Resistance.
Authors: LinkeviciusMarius,SandegrenLinus,AnderssonD
Journal: Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.
PubMed ID: 26596936
Doi: 10.1128/AAC.02465-15
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Production of Plasmodium vivax Enolase in Escherichia coli and its Protective Properties.
Authors: Zhang C,Gu Y,Tang J,Lu F,Cao Y,Zhou H,Zhu G,Cao J,Gao Q.
Journal: Hum Vaccin Immunother.
PubMed ID: 27487171
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Genetic variability among Hymenolepis nana isolates from different geographical regions in China revealed by sequence analysis of three mitochondrial genes.
Authors: Cheng T, Gao DZ, Zhu WN, Fang SF, Chen N, Zhu XQ, Liu GH, Lin RQ.
Journal: Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal.
PubMed ID: 26642941
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of a PVGOX gene encoding glucose oxidase in Penicillium viticola F1 strain and it's expression quantitation.
Authors: I Khan, S Qayyum, S Ahmed, Z Niaz, N Fatima, ZM Chi.
Journal: Gene.
PubMed ID: 27425865
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Temporal and spatial expression and function of TaDlea3 in Triticum aestivum during developmental stages under drought stress
Authors: Chen J, Fan L, Du Y, Zhu W, Tang Z, Li N, Zhang D, Zhang L
Journal: Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology
PubMed ID: 27717465
Doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.08.010
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Real-time PCR assay to detect brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), in environmental DNA.
Authors: Valentin RE, Maslo B, Lockwood JL, Pote J, Fonseca DM.
Journal: Pest Manag Sci.
PubMed ID: 26732613
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Staphylococcus aureus Tissue Infection During Sepsis Is Supported by Differential Use of Bacterial or Host-Derived Lipoic Acid.
Authors: Zorzoli A, Grayczyk JP, Alonzo F.
Journal: PLoS Pathog.
PubMed ID: 27701474
Doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005933
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   






