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The Combination of Grazoprevir, a Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) NS3/4A Protease Inhibitor, and Elbasvir, an HCV NS5A Inhibitor, Demonstrates a High Genetic Barrier to Resistance in HCV Genotype 1a Replicons.
Authors: Lahser FC, Bystol K, Curry S, McMonagle P, Xia E, Ingravallo P, Chase R, Liu R, Black T, Hazuda D, Howe AY, Asante-Appiah E.
Journal: Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
PubMed ID: 26926625
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Novel species and expanded distribution of ellipsoidal multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes.
Authors: Chen YR,Zhang WY,Zhou K, Pan HM,Du HJ,Xu C,Xu JH, Pradel N, Santini CL,Li JH, Huang H, Pan YX, Xiao T, Wu LF.
Journal: Environ Microbiol Rep.
PubMed ID: 26711721
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Genetic Diversity of Daphnia pulex in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River.
Authors: Wang W, Zhang K, Deng D, Zhang YN, Peng S, Xu X.
Journal: PLoS One.
PubMed ID: 27015539
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Detection of adulterated murine components in meat products by TaqMan© real-time PCR.
Authors: FangXin,Zhan
Journal: Food Chem
PubMed ID: 26304376
Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.07.020
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
First report of Cryptosporidium canis in farmed Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) in China.
Authors: Zhang XX,Cong W,Ma JG, Lou ZL,Zheng WB, Zhao Q, Zhu XQ,1.
Journal: Parasit Vectors.
PubMed ID: 26934975
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Rice (Oryza sativa) Protoplast Isolation and Its Application for Transient Expression Analysis
Authors: He F, Chen S, Ning Y, Wang GL
Journal: Current protocols in plant biology
PubMed ID: 30775867
Doi: 10.1002/cppb.20026
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Biochemical Characterization and Complete Conversion of Coenzyme Specificity of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase from Bifidobacterium longum.
Authors: Huang SP, Cheng HM, Wang P, Zhu GP.
Journal: Int J Mol Sci.
PubMed ID: 26927087
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
Higher-Resolution Structure of the Human Insulin Receptor Ectodomain: Multi-Modal Inclusion of the Insert Domain
Authors: Tristan I Croll, Brian J Smith, Mai B Margetts, Jonathan Whittaker, Michael A Weiss, Colin W Ward, Michael C Lawrence
Journal: Structure
PubMed ID: 26853939
Doi: 10.1016/j.str.2015.12.014
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   
The neutral metallopeptidase NMP1 of Trichoderma guizhouense is required for mycotrophy and self-defence
Authors: Zhang J, Bayram Akcapinar G, Atanasova L, Rahimi MJ, Przylucka A, Yang D, Kubicek CP, Zhang R, Shen Q, Druzhinina IS
Journal: Environmental microbiology
PubMed ID: 26118314
Doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12966
Products & Services: DNA Sequencing   






