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Single-enzyme biomineralization of cadmium sulfide nanocrystals with controlled optical properties.
Authors: Dunleavy Robert,Lu Li,Kiely Christopher J,McIntosh Steven,Berger Bry
Journal: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
PubMed ID: 27118834
Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1523633113
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Host Mitochondrial Association Evolved in the Human Parasite Toxoplasma gondii via Neofunctionalization of a Gene Duplicate.
Authors: Adomako-Ankomah Y, English ED, Danielson JJ, Pernas LF, Parker ML, Boulanger MJ, Dubey JP, Boyle JP.
Journal: Genetics
PubMed ID: 26920761
Doi: 10.1534/genetics.115.186270
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
hSSB1 (NABP2/OBFC2B) is regulated by oxidative stress.
Authors: Paquet Nicolas,Adams Mark N,Ashton Nicholas W,Touma Christine,Gamsjaeger Roland,Cubeddu Liza,Leong Vincent,Beard Sam,Bolderson Emma,Botting Catherine H,O'Byrne Kenneth J,Richard Der
Journal: Sci Rep
PubMed ID: 27273218
Doi: 10.1038/srep27446
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Optimization, purification and characterization of recombinant L-asparaginase II in Escherichia coli
Authors: Trang Thi Hien Nguyen, Cuong Tien Nguyen, Thanh Sy Le Nguyen, Tuyen Thi Do
Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology
Doi: 10.5897/AJB2016.15425
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Propargyl-Linked Antifolates Are Potent Inhibitors of Drug-Sensitive and Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Authors: HajianBehnoush,ScoccheraEric,KeshipeddySantosh,G-DayanandanNarendran,ShoenCarolyn,KrucinskaJolanta,ReeveStephanie,CynamonMichael,AndersonAmy C,WrightDenn
Journal: PLoS ONE
PubMed ID: 27580226
Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161740
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
The C-terminal 18 Amino Acid Region of Dengue Virus NS5 Regulates its Subcellular Localization and Contains a Conserved Arginine Residue Essential for Infectious Virus Production.
Authors: TayMoon Y F,SmithKate,NgIvan H W,ChanKitti W K,ZhaoYongqian,OoiEng Eong,LescarJulien,LuoDahai,JansDavid A,ForwoodJade K,VasudevanSubha
Journal: PLoS Pathog.
PubMed ID: 27622521
Doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005886
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Quality control in oocytes by p63 is based on a spring-loaded activation mechanism on the molecular and cellular level.
Authors: CoutandinDaniel,OsterburgChristian,SrivastavRatnesh Kumar,SumykManuela,KehrloesserSebastian,GebelJakob,TuppiMarcel,HannewaldJens,SchäferBirgit,SalahEidarus,MatheaSebastian,Müller-KullerUta,DoutchJames,GrezManuel,KnappStefan,DötschVo
Journal: Elife
PubMed ID: 27021569
Doi: 10.7554/eLife.13909
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Development and Validation of a Small Single-domain Antibody That Effectively Inhibits Matrix Metalloproteinase 8.
Authors: DemeestereDelphine,DejonckheereEline,SteelandSophie,HulpiauPaco,HaustraeteJurgen,DevoogdtNick,WichertRielana,Becker-PaulyChristoph,Van WonterghemElien,DewaeleSylviane,Van ImschootGriet,AertsJeroen,ArckensLutgarde,SaeysYvan,LibertClaude,VandenbrouckeRoosmari
Journal: Mol. Ther.
PubMed ID: 26775809
Doi: 10.1038/mt.2016.2
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Co-activator candidate interactions for orphan nuclear receptor NR2E1.
Authors: Corso-DíazXimena,de LeeuwCharles N,AlonsoVivian,MelchersDiana,WongBibiana K Y,HoutmanRené,SimpsonElizabe
Journal: BMC Genomics
PubMed ID: 27782803
Doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-3173-5
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Development of a blocking ELISA for detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection based on a monoclonal antibody against protein P65.
Authors: Liu M, DU G, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Wang H, Li B, Bai Y, Feng Z, Xiong Q, Bai F, Browning GF, Shao G.
Journal: J Vet Med Sci
PubMed ID: 27075114
Doi: 10.1292/jvms.15-0438
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   






