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A bimolecular fluorescence complementation flow cytometry screen for membrane protein interactions
Authors: Florian Schmitz, Jessica Glas, Richard Neutze, Kristina Hedfalk
Journal: Sci Rep
PubMed ID: 34584201
Doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98810-2
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
A structural view onto disease-linked mutations in the human neutral amino acid exchanger ASCT1
Authors: Pavlo Stehantsev, Artem Stetsenko, Mariia Nemchinova, Nanda Gowtham Aduri, Siewert J Marrink, Cornelius Gati, Albert Guskov
Journal: Comput Struct Biotechnol J
PubMed ID: 34630942
Doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.09.015
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
Author Correction: Enhanced genome editing efficiency of CRISPR PLUS: Cas9 chimeric fusion proteins
Authors: Jongjin Park, Jiyoung Yoon, Daekee Kwon, Mi-Jung Han, Sunmee Choi, Slki Park, Junghyuk Lee, Kiwook Lee, Jaehwan Lee, Seunghee Lee, Kyung-Sun Kang, Sunghwa Choe
Journal: Sci Rep
PubMed ID: 34508163
Doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98186-3
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
Nonhydrolysable Analogues of (p)ppGpp and (p)ppApp Alarmone Nucleotides as Novel Molecular Tools
Authors: Viktor Mojr, Mohammad Roghanian, Hedvig Tamman, Duy Dinh Do Pham, Magdalena Petrová, Radek Pohl, Hiraku Takada, Katleen Van Nerom, Hanna Ainelo, Julien Caballero-Montes, Steffi Jimmy, Abel Garcia-Pino, Vasili Hauryliuk, Dominik Rejman
Journal: ACS Chem Biol
PubMed ID: 34477366
Doi: 10.1021/acschembio.1c00398
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
"Molecular Masks" for ACE2 to Effectively and Safely Block SARS-CoV-2 Virus Entry
Authors: Satya Prakash Shukla, Kwang Bog Cho, Vineeta Rustagi, Xiang Gao, Xinping Fu, Shaun Xiaoliu Zhang, Bin Guo, D Gomika Udugamasooriya
Journal: Int J Mol Sci
PubMed ID: 34445669
Doi: 10.3390/ijms22168963
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   Protein Reagents and Products   
Protective Efficacy of Recombinant Influenza Hemagglutinin Ectodomain Fusions
Authors: Nidhi Mittal, Nayanika Sengupta, Sameer Kumar Malladi, Poorvi Reddy, Madhuraj Bhat, Raju S Rajmani, Koen Sedeyn, Xavier Saelens, Somnath Dutta, Raghavan Varadarajan
Journal: Viruses
PubMed ID: 34578291
Doi: 10.3390/v13091710
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
Haploinsufficiency of SF3B2 causes craniofacial microsomia
Authors: Andrew T Timberlake, Casey Griffin, Carrie L Heike, Anne V Hing, Michael L Cunningham, David Chitayat, Mark R Davis, Soghra J Doust, Amelia F Drake, Milagros M Duenas-Roque, Jack Goldblatt, Jonas A Gustafson, Paula Hurtado-Villa, Alexis Johns, Natalya Karp, Nigel G Laing, Leanne Magee, Sureni V Mullegama, Harry Pachajoa, Gloria L Porras-Hurtado, Rhonda E Schnur, Jennie Slee, Steven L Singer, David A Staffenberg, Andrew E Timms, Cheryl A Wise, Ignacio Zarante, Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet, Daniela V Luquetti
Journal: Nat Commun
PubMed ID: 34344887
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24852-9
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
Phosphorylation of CrkL S114 induced by common gamma chain cytokines and T-cell receptor signal transduction
Authors: Armando Estrada, Alejandro C Rodriguez, Georgialina Rodriguez, Alice H Grant, Yoshira M Ayala-Marin, Amy J Arrieta, Robert A Kirken
Journal: Sci Rep
PubMed ID: 34417497
Doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-96428-y
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
Circular RNA FNDC3B Protects Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells From Ferroptosis and Contributes to the Malignant Progression by Regulating miR-520d-5p/SLC7A11 Axis
Authors: Jie Yang, Xing-Hua Cao, Ke-Feng Luan, Yun-Dong Huang
Journal: Front Oncol
PubMed ID: 34434890
Doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.672724
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   
Live-cell imaging of microRNA expression with post-transcriptional feedback control
Authors: Masayuki Sano, Kana Morishita, Satoshi Oikawa, Takayuki Akimoto, Kimio Sumaru, Yoshio Kato
Journal: Mol Ther Nucleic Acids
PubMed ID: 34631284
Doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2021.08.018
Products & Services: Mammalian Expression   






