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Viral Perturbation of Alternative Splicing of a Host Transcript Benefits Infection
Authors: Du K, Jiang T, Chen H, Murphy AM, Carr JP, Du Z, Li X, Fan Z, Zhou T
Journal: Plant physiology
PubMed ID: 32958561
Doi: 10.1104/pp.20.00903
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Hedgehog Pathway Activation Requires Coreceptor-Catalyzed, Lipid-Dependent Relay of the Sonic Hedgehog Ligand
Authors: Wierbowski BM,Petrov K,Aravena L,Gu G,Xu Y,Salic A
Journal: Developmental Cell
PubMed ID: 33038332
Doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2020.09.017
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Yersinia pestis Antigen F1 but Not LcrV Induced Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses in Humans Immunized with Live Plague Vaccine-Comparison of Immunoinformatic and Immunological Approaches
Authors: Feodorova VA,Lyapina AM,Khizhnyakova MA,Zaitsev SS,Saltykov YV,Motin VL
Journal: Vaccines
PubMed ID: 33228200
Doi: 10.3390/vaccines8040698
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Distinct Cation Gradients Power Cholesterol Transport at Different Key Points in the Hedgehog Signaling Pathway
Authors: Petrov K, Wierbowski BM, Liu J, Salic A
Journal: Developmental Cell
PubMed ID: 32860743
Doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2020.08.002
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Microcephalin 1/BRIT1-TRF2 interaction promotes telomere replication and repair, linking telomere dysfunction to primary microcephaly
Authors: Cicconi A, Rai R, Xiong X, Broton C, Al-Hiyasat A, Hu C, Dong S, Sun W, Garbarino J, Bindra RS, Schildkraut C, Chen Y, Chang S
Journal: Nature Communications
PubMed ID: 33203878
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19674-0
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TruNeo: an integrated pipeline improves personalized true tumor neoantigen identification
Authors: Tang Y, Wang Y, Wang J, Li M, Peng L, Wei G, Zhang Y, Li J, Gao Z
Journal: BMC bioinformatics
PubMed ID: 33208106
Doi: 10.1186/s12859-020-03869-9
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HACS1 signaling adaptor protein recognizes a motif in the paired immunoglobulin receptor B cytoplasmic domain
Authors: Kwan JJ, Slavkovic S, Piazza M, Wang D, Dieckmann T, Johnson PE, Wen XY, Donaldson LW
Journal: Communications Biology
PubMed ID: 33188360
Doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-01397-z
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Capture of Phenylalanine and Phenylalanine-Terminated Peptides Using a Supramolecular Macrocycle for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection
Authors: Olson JE, Braegelman AS, Zou L, Webber MJ, Camden JP
Journal: Applied spectroscopy
PubMed ID: 32508116
Doi: 10.1177/0003702820937333
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Regulatory feedback cycle of the insulin-degrading enzyme and the amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain: Implications for Alzheimer's disease
Authors: Lauer AA, Mett J, Janitschke D, Thiel A, Stahlmann CP, Bachmann CM, Ritzmann F, Schrul B, Müller UC, Stein R, Riemenschneider M, Grimm HS, Hartmann T, Grimm MOW
Journal: Aging Cell
PubMed ID: 33128835
Doi: 10.1111/acel.13264
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From People to Panthera: Natural SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Tigers and Lions at the Bronx Zoo
Authors: McAloose D, Laverack M, Wang L, Killian ML, Caserta LC, Yuan F, Mitchell PK, Queen K, Mauldin MR, Cronk BD, Bartlett SL, Sykes JM, Zec S, Stokol T, Ingerman K, Delaney MA, Fredrickson R, Ivančić M, Jenkins-Moore M, Mozingo K, Franzen K, Bergeson NH, Goodman L, Wang H, Fang Y, Olmstead C, McCann C, Thomas P, Goodrich E, Elvinger F, Smith DC, Tong S, Slavinski S, Calle PP, Terio K, Torchetti MK, Diel DG
Journal: MBio
PubMed ID: 33051368
Doi: 10.1128/mBio.02220-20
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