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Adaptation of the GoldenBraid modular cloning system and creation of a toolkit for the expression of heterologous proteins in yeast mitochondria.
Authors: Pérez-GonzálezAna, KniewelRyan, VeldhuizenMarcel, VermaHemant K, Navarro-RodríguezMónica, RubioLuis M, CaroE
Journal: BMC Biotechnol.
PubMed ID: 29132331
Doi: 10.1186/s12896-017-0393-y
Products & Services: Biochemicals   
New immunomodulatory role of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in Salmo salar leucocytes.
Authors: González-Stegmaier R,Villarroel-Espíndola F,Manríquez R,López M,Monrás M,Figueroa J,Enríquez R,Romero A.
Journal: Dev Comp Immunol.
PubMed ID: 28676307
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Kisspeptin-10 inhibits OHSS by suppressing VEGF secretion.
Authors: ZhaiJunyu, LiuJiansheng, ZhaoShigang, ZhaoHan, ChenZi-Jiang, DuYanzhi, LiWei
Journal: Reproduction
PubMed ID: 28676533
Doi: 10.1530/REP-17-0268
Products & Services: Biochemicals   
Dual inhibitors of the human blood-brain barrier drug efflux transporters P-glycoprotein and ABCG2 based on the antiviral azidothymidine
Authors: Namanja-MaglianoHilda A, BohnKelsey, AgrawalNeha, WilloughbyMeghan E, HrycynaChristine A, Chmielewski
Journal: Bioorg. Med. Chem.
PubMed ID: 28712845
Doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2017.07.001
Products & Services: Biochemicals   
ECM turnover-stimulated gene delivery through collagen-mimetic peptide-plasmid integration in collagen.
Authors: Urello MA, Kiick KL, Sullivan MO.
Journal: Acta Biomater.
PubMed ID: 28865990
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Enhanced tolerance to salt stress in canola (Brassica napus L.) seedlings inoculated with the halotolerant Enterobacter cloacae HSNJ4.
Authors: Huashan Li,Peng Lei,Xiao Pang,Sha Li,Hong Xu,Zongqi Xu,Xiaohai.
Journal: Appl Soil Ecol.
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Fractionation and identification of antioxidant peptides from an enzymatically hydrolysed Palmaria palmata protein isolate.
Authors: Harnedy PA, O'Keeffe MB, FitzGerald RJ.
Journal: Food Res Int.
PubMed ID: 28873704
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Novel role for endogenous mitochondrial formylated peptide-driven formyl peptide receptor 1 signalling in acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Authors: Dorward DA,Lucas CD,Doherty MK,Chapman GB,Scholefield EJ,Conway Morris A,Felton JM,Kipari T,Humphries DC,Robb CT,Simpson AJ,Whitfield PD,Haslett C,Dhaliwal K,Rossi AG.
Journal: Thorax.
PubMed ID: 28469031
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Membrane topology and identification of key residues of EaDAcT, a plant MBOAT with unusual substrate specificity.
Authors: Tran TNT, Shelton J, Brown S, Durrett TP.
Journal: Plant J.
PubMed ID: 28715115
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PDE3 inhibition by C-type natriuretic peptide-induced cGMP enhances cAMP-mediated signaling in both non-failing and failing hearts
Authors: MeierSilja, AndressenKjetil Wessel, AronsenJan Magnus, SjaastadIvar, HougenKarina, SkomedalTor, OsnesJan-Bjørn, QvigstadEirik, LevyFinn Olav, MoltzauLise Ro
Journal: Eur. J. Pharmacol.
PubMed ID: 28697992
Doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2017.07.014
Products & Services: Biochemicals   






