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First report for availability of HRT-like genes in Eragrostis tef and in silico analysis for elucidating their potential functions
Authors: lMikias WondimuMulatVimlendu BhushanSinha
Journal: Plant Gene
Doi: 10.1016/j.plgene.2020.100230
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Connexin 43 gap junctional intercellular communication inhibits evx1 expression and joint formation in regenerating fins
Authors: Bhattacharya S, Hyland C, Falk MM, Iovine MK
Journal: Development (Cambridge, England)
PubMed ID: 32541014
Doi: 10.1242/dev.190512
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Genome-wide identification, characterization and expression profiling of gibberellin metabolism genes in jute
Authors: Honi U, Amin MR, Kabir SMT, Bashar KK, Moniruzzaman M, Jahan R, Jahan S, Haque MS, Islam S
Journal: BMC Plant Biology
PubMed ID: 32611317
Doi: 10.1186/s12870-020-02512-2
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Identification and Fine Mapping of , a Southern Corn Rust Resistance Gene in Maize
Authors: Shuai Wang, Ruyang Zhang, Zi Shi, Yanxin Zhao, Aiguo Su, Yuandong Wang, Jinfeng Xing, Jianrong Ge, Chunhui Li, Xiaqing Wang, Jidong Wang, Xuan Sun, Qian Liu, Yining Chen, Yunxia Zhang, Shuaishuai Wang, Wei Song, Jiuran Zhao
Journal: Front Plant Sci
PubMed ID: 32733529
Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.01057
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Differences in gene expression profiles at the early stage of Solanum lycopersicum infection with mild and severe variants of potato spindle tuber viroid
Authors: Aneta Więsyk, Maciej Lirski, Anna Fogtman, Włodzimierz Zagórski-Ostoja, Anna Góra-Sochacka
Journal: Virus Res
PubMed ID: 32634444
Doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198090
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Parallel Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Sputum and Saliva Reveals Overlapping Communities and an Opportunity for Sample Decontamination
Authors: Junnan Lu, Lisa A Carmody, Kristopher Opron, Richard H Simon, Linda M Kalikin, Lindsay J Caverly, John J LiPuma
Journal: mSystems
PubMed ID: 32636336
Doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00296-20
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Single and combined effects of carbamazepine and copper on nervous and antioxidant systems of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Authors: Dantong Jia, Xiuwen Li, Sen Du, Ning Xu, Wenming Zhang, Ruyi Yang, Yunhai Zhang, Yide He, Yongjun Zhang
Journal: Environ Toxicol
PubMed ID: 32485069
Doi: 10.1002/tox.22945
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
The AAA+ ATPase Msp1 is a processive protein translocase with robust unfoldase activity
Authors: Castanzo DT, LaFrance B, Martin A
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
PubMed ID: 32541053
Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920109117
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Multispecific, Multivalent Antibody-Based Molecules Engineered on the DART® and TRIDENTTM Platforms
Authors: Huang L, Shah K, Barat B, Lam CK, Gorlatov S, Ciccarone V, Tamura J, Moore PA, Diedrich G
Journal: Current protocols in immunology
PubMed ID: 32294319
Doi: 10.1002/cpim.95
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing Interleukin 2 Can Suppress Proliferation of Neuroblastoma Cells in Co-Culture and Activate Mononuclear Cells In Vitro
Authors: Chulpanova DS, Solovyeva VV, James V, Arkhipova SS, Gomzikova MO, Garanina EE, Akhmetzyanova ER, Tazetdinova LG, Khaiboullina SF, Rizvanov AA
Journal: Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland)
PubMed ID: 32560387
Doi: 10.3390/bioengineering7020059
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   Catalog Antibody   






