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MicroRNA-mediated disruption of dendritogenesis during a critical period of development influences cognitive capacity later in life.
Authors: Lin Q, Ponnusamy R, Widagdo J, Choi JA, Ge W, Probst C, Buckley T, Lou M, Bredy TW, Fanselow MS, Ye K, Sun YE.
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
PubMed ID: 28790189
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of Listeria monocytogenes reveals upregulation of stress genes and downregulation of virulence genes in response to essential oil extracted from Baccharis psiadioides.
Authors: Luiza Pieta,Frank Lino Guzman Escudero,Ana Paula Jacobus,Kamila Patikowski Cheiran,Jeferson Gross,Maria Lisseth Eguiluz Moya,Geraldo Luiz Gonçalves Soares,Rogério Margis,Ana Paula Guedes Frazzon,Jeverson Frazzon.
Journal: Ann Microbiol.
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
The fruit-specific transcription factor FaDOF2 regulates the production of eugenol in ripe fruit receptacles.
Authors: Molina-Hidalgo FJ, Medina-Puche L, Cañete-Gómez C, Franco-Zorrilla JM, López-Vidriero I, Solano R, Caballero JL, Rodríguez-Franco A, Blanco-Portales R, Muñoz-Blanco J, Moyano E.
Journal: J Exp Bot.
PubMed ID: 28981772
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Isolation and characterization of a novel chalcone synthase gene family from mulberry.
Authors: Wang C,Zhi S,Liu C,Xu F,Zhao A,Wang X,Tang X,Li Z,Huang P,Yu M.
Journal: Plant Physiol Biochem.
PubMed ID: 28355585
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Expression and comparison of codon optimised Aspergillus tubingensis amylase variants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Authors: Cripwell RA, Rose SH, van Zyl WH.
Journal: FEMS Yeast Res.
PubMed ID: 28637248
Products & Services: Bioinformatics Tools   
Expression of Genes Related to Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis in Different Organs of Ixeris dentata var. albiflora.
Authors: Lee SH, Park YJ, Park SU, Lee SW, Kim SC, Jung CS, Jang JK, Hur Y, Kim YB.
Journal: Molecules.
PubMed ID: 28555066
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
The Effect of Different Pollination on the Expression of Dangshan Su Pear MicroRNA.
Authors: Cheng X,Yan C,Zhang J,Ma C,Li S,Jin Q,Zhang N,Cao Y,Lin Y,Cai Y.
Journal: Biomed Res Int.
PubMed ID: 28497043
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
In-silico design, expression, and purification of novel chimeric Escherichia coli O157: H7 OmpA fused to LTB protein in Escherichia coli.
Authors: Novinrooz A,Zahraei Salehi T,Firouzi R,Arabshahi S,Derakhshandeh A.
Journal: PLoS One.
PubMed ID: 28296951
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Development and Characterization of a Neutralizing Anti-idiotype Antibody Against Mirvetuximab for Analysis of Clinical Samples.
Authors: LoebrichSven,ShenMingfang,CohenErika,PayneGillian,ChenYing,BogalhasMegan,ZhaoY
Journal: AAPS J
PubMed ID: 28534292
Doi: 10.1208/s12248-017-0098-0
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   
Beta-carotene preferentially regulates chicken myoblast proliferation withdrawal and differentiation commitment via BCO1 activity and retinoic acid production.
Authors: Praud C,Al Ahmadieh S,Voldoire E,Le Vern Y,Godet E,Couroussé N,Graulet B,Le Bihan Duval E,Berri C,Duclos
Journal: Exp. Cell Res.
PubMed ID: 28625776
Doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2017.06.011
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Tools   






