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Protein phosphatase 5 mediates corticosteroid insensitivity in airway smooth muscle in patients with severe asthma.
Authors: ChachiL,AbbasianM,GavrilaA,AlzahraniA,TlibaO,BraddingP,WardlawA J,BrightlingC,Amr
Journal: Allergy
PubMed ID: 27501780
Doi: 10.1111/all.13003
Products & Services: Common Tools   
The Seed Repair Response during Germination: Disclosing Correlations between DNA Repair, Antioxidant Response, and Chromatin Remodeling in .
Authors: Pagano Andrea,Araújo Susana de Sousa,Macovei Anca,Leonetti Paola,Balestrazzi
Journal: Front Plant Sci
PubMed ID: 29184569
Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01972
Products & Services: Common Tools   
An Aphid Effector Targets Trafficking Protein VPS52 in a Host-Specific Manner to Promote Virulence.
Authors: Rodriguez Patricia A,Escudero-Martinez Carmen,Bos Jorunn
Journal: Plant Physiol.
PubMed ID: 28100451
Doi: 10.1104/pp.16.01458
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2'-Deoxyadenosine 5'-diphosphoribose is an endogenous TRPM2 superagonist.
Authors: FliegertRalf,BaucheAndreas,Wolf PérezAdriana-Michelle,WattJoanna M,RozewitzMonika D,WinzerRiekje,JanusMareike,GuFeng,RoscheAnnette,HarneitAngelika,FlatoMarianne,MoreauChristelle,KirchbergerTanja,WoltersValerie,PotterBarry V L,GuseAndre
Journal: Nat. Chem. Biol.
PubMed ID: 28671679
Doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2415
Products & Services: Common Tools   
Germ-Cell-Specific Inflammasome Component NLRP14 Negatively Regulates Cytosolic Nucleic Acid Sensing to Promote Fertilization.
Authors: AbeTakayuki,LeeAlbert,SitharamRamaswami,KesnerJordan,RabadanRaul,ShapiraSa
Journal: Immunity
PubMed ID: 28423339
Doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2017.03.020
Products & Services: Common Tools   
Molecular cloning, subcellular localization and characterization of two adenylate kinases from cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz cv. KU50.
Authors: Boonrueng C, Tangpranomkorn S, Yazhisai U, Sirikantaramas S.
Journal: J Plant Physiol.
PubMed ID: 27518222
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Genome-wide analysis of calcium-dependent protein kinases and their expression patterns in response to herbivore and wounding stresses in soybean.
Authors: H Liu, Z Che, X Zeng, X Zhou, HM Sitoe, H Wang, D Yu.
Journal: Funct Integr Genomics.
PubMed ID: 27179522
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The secretome signature of malignant mesothelioma cell lines.
Authors: Manfredi M,Martinotti S,Gosetti F,Ranzato E,Marengo E.
Journal: J Proteomics.
PubMed ID: 26921831
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Retarded Embryo Development 1 (RED1) regulates embryo development, seed maturation and plant growth in Arabidopsis.
Authors: Du Q, Wang H.
Journal: J Genet Genomics.
PubMed ID: 27477025
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Potential role of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant genes in the regulation of peach fruit development and ripening.
Authors: Huan C, Jiang L, An X, Yu M, Xu Y, Ma R, Yu Z.
Journal: Plant Physiol Biochem.
PubMed ID: 27208820
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