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Osteoinduction by combining bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 with a bioactive novel nanocomposite.
Authors: Sharma A,Meyer F,Hyvonen M,Best S M,Cameron R E,Rusht
Journal: Bone Joint Res
PubMed ID: 23610684
Doi: 10.1302/2046-3758.17.2000082
Products & Services: Recombinant Antibody Services   
Anchoring interferon alpha to apolipoprotein A-I reduces hematological toxicity while enhancing immunostimulatory properties.
Authors: Fioravanti Jessica,González Iranzu,Medina-Echeverz José,Larrea Esther,Ardaiz Nuria,González-Aseguinolaza Gloria,Prieto Jesús,Berraondo P
Journal: Hepatology
PubMed ID: 21425312
Doi: 10.1002/hep.24306
Products & Services: Recombinant Antibody Services   
Investigation of the pruritogenic effects of histamine, serotonin, tryptase, substance P and interleukin-2 in healthy dogs.
Authors: Melissa N. Carr, Sheila M. F. Torres, Sandra N. Koch, Lisa V. Reiter.
Journal: Vet Dermatol.
PubMed ID: 19159412
Products & Services: Recombinant Antibody Expression   
Presence and characterization of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis from clinical and suspected cases of Crohn's disease and in the healthy human population in India
Authors: A V Singh, S V Singh, G K Makharia, P K Singh, J S Sohal
Journal: Int J Infect Dis
PubMed ID: 17913536
Doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2007.06.008
Products & Services: Recombinant Antibody Expression   
Refolding, purification, and characterization of human and murine RegIII proteins expressed in Escherichia coli.
Authors: CashHeather L,WhithamCecilia V,HooperLo
Journal: Protein Expr. Purif.
PubMed ID: 16504538
Doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2006.01.014
Products & Services: Recombinant Antibody Services   






