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Pre-treatment Soybeans Isoflwith calcium enhanced defense-related genes' expression in the soybean's isoflavones pathway in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.

Physiol Mol Plant Pathol.. 2016-01; 
Arbia Arfaoui,Abdel bassetE, Hadrami,Lorne R,Adam.Fouad,Daay f.
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Molecular Biology Tools ... Primer design. Primer pairs for the tested genes (PAL1, CHS3, CHS5, CHI1B1, IFS2 and IFR2) were designed based on available soybean mRNA sequences using GenScript Real-time PCR Primer Design Software (http://www.genscript.com/cgi-bin/tools/primer_genscript.cgi). ... Get A Quote


Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is a fungal plant that causes serious losses in important crops. This study examined the expression of selected defense-related genes in the isoflavonoids pathway after soybean inoculation with two Sclerotinia isolates possessing different levels of aggressiveness (SSPetri, highly aggressive and SS18, weakly aggressive) and the effects of pre-treatment with calcium on disease symptoms. PAL1 displayed an early expression after inoculation regardless of the isolate used. Expression of IFS2 and IFR2 were more pronounced in leaves inoculated with the weakly aggressive isolate SS18 than with its highly aggressive counterpart. Oppositely, CHS3, CHS5 and CHI1B1–CHI1B2 had high... More


Sclerotinia sclerotiorum;Soybeans;Calcium ;Induced resistance;Quantitative gene expression;Isoflavonoids