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Identification and characterization of epitopes on Plasmodium knowlesi merozoite surface protein-142 (MSP-142) using synthetic peptide library and phage display library.

Acta Trop.. 2016-02; 
Cheong FW, Fong MY, Lau YL.
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Peptide Library Services ... An overlapping peptide library which consisted of 36 peptides (18-mer each, 9-mer overlapping) covering the entire P. knowlesi strain H MSP-1 42 protein sequence (Accession number: XP_002258582) was synthesised by Genscript Inc. ... Get A Quote


Plasmodium knowlesi can cause potentially life threatening human malaria. The Plasmodium merozoite surface protein-142 (MSP-142) is a potential target for malaria blood stage vaccine, and for diagnosis of malaria. Two epitope mapping techniques were used to identify the potential epitopes within P. knowlesi MSP-142. Nine and 14 potential epitopes were identified using overlapping synthetic peptide library and phage display library, respectively. Two regions on P. knowlesi MSP-142 (amino acid residues 37-95 and residues 240-289) were identified to be the potential dominant epitope regions. Two of the prominent epitopes, P10 (TAKDGMEYYNKMGELYKQ) and P31 (RCLLGFKEVGGKCVPASI), were evaluated using mouse model. P10-... More


Epitope mapping; Phage display library; Plasmodium knowlesi; Synthetic peptide library