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DNA Sequencing> | ... Once polymorphisms were found for a targeted region of the GhSus family genes by EcoTILLING, accessions that showed polymorphisms on the gel were randomly selected for sequencing by a commercial company (Genscript Biotech Co. China) to confirm the polymorphisms. ... | Get A Quote |
Cotton is the most important textile crop in the world due to its cellulose-enriched fibers. Sucrose synthase genes (Sus) play pivotal roles in cotton fiber and seed development. To mine and pyramid more favorable alleles for cotton molecular breeding, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of GhSus family genes were investigated across 277 upland cotton accessions by EcoTILLING. As a result, a total of 24 SNPs in the amplified regions of eight GhSus genes were identified. These SNPs were significantly associated with at least one fiber- or seed-related trait measured in Nanjing, Anyang and Kuche in 2007-2009. Four main-effect quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) and five epistatic QTNs, with 0.76-3.56% of phe... More