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Use of Hybrid Rice and the Proliferation of Weedy Rice: A Case in Jiangsu, China.

crop science.. 2016-03; 
Bang-hua Zhang, Er-jia Dong, Hu Zhang, Zhi-hua Shi, Xiao-ling Song, Sheng Qiang, Wei-min Dai.
Products/Services Used Details Operation
PCR Cloning and Subcloning ... The PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis, purified by EZgeneTM Gel/PCR extraction kit (Biomiga Co.) and cloned into T-vectors (T-Vector pMD19 cloning kit, TaKaRa Co.). The clones were sequenced by GenScript Co, Ltd. ... Get A Quote


Jiangsu Province, located between northern China and southern China, is a typically mixed area of conventional and three-line hybrid rice without Oryza rufipogon Griff. and Oryza nivara S. D. Sharma & Shastry. In the recent decade, occurrence of weedy rice rapidly increased year by year since it was found and reported from 2000. The recent cloning of the CMS-WA gene (wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterility) makes it possible to design a marker specific for the gene for testing large quantities of weedy rice samples in a single assay by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Through performing a BLAST search in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database using the sequence of the CMS-WA gene clo... More
