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Global translational reprogramming is a fundamental layer of immune regulation in plants

Nature. 2017-05; 
XuGuoyong, GreeneGeorge H, YooHeejin, LiuLijing, MarquésJorge, MotleyJonathan, DongXin
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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud … 3. LUC reporter assay and dual-luciferase assay. To record the 35S:uORFs TBF1 –LUC reporter activity, 3-week-old Arabidopsis plants were sprayed with 1 mM luciferin 12 h before infiltration with either 10 μM elf18 (synthesized by GenScript) or 10 mM MgCl 2 as Mock … Get A Quote


In the absence of specialized immune cells, the need for plants to reprogram transcription to transition from growth-related activities to defence is well understood. However, little is known about translational changes that occur during immune induction. Using ribosome footprinting, here we perform global translatome profiling on Arabidopsis exposed to the microbe-associated molecular pattern elf18. We find that during this pattern-triggered immunity, translation is tightly regulated and poorly correlated with transcription. Identification of genes with altered translational efficiency leads to the discovery of novel regulators of this immune response. Further investigation of these genes shows that me... More
