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Seeding selectivity and ultrasensitive detection of tau aggregate conformers of Alzheimer disease.

Acta Neuropathol.. 2019; 
KrausAllison,SaijoEri,MetrickMichael A,NewellKathy,SigurdsonChristina J,ZanussoGianluigi,GhettiBernardino,CaugheyB
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PCR Cloning and Subcloning … The mutated cloning cassette was synthesized and cloned into a bacterial expression vector pET-28a right after the 5′ N-terminal poly-histidine tag and thrombin site by GenScript using CloneEZ seamless cloning technology … Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:9535–9540 … Get A Quote


Alzheimer disease (AD) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) involve the abnormal accumulation in the brain of filaments composed of both three-repeat (3R) and four-repeat (4R) (3R/4R) tau isoforms. To probe the molecular basis for AD's tau filament propagation and to improve detection of tau aggregates as potential biomarkers, we have exploited the seeded polymerization growth mechanism of tau filaments to develop a highly selective and ultrasensitive cell-free tau seed amplification assay optimized for AD (AD real-time quaking-induced conversion or AD RT-QuIC). The reaction is based on the ability of AD tau aggregates to seed the formation of amyloid fibrils made of certain recombinant tau fragments. ... More


Alzheimer disease,Biomarker,Chronic traumatic encephalopathy,Diagnosis,RT-QuIC,Seeds,Tau aggregate,Tauop