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PCR Cloning and Subcloning> | … TOM20 expression, the TOM20 CRISPR guide RNA sequence (5' TAAGCTCCCAACAATTAGTC 3') was cloned into the pSpCas9 BB-2A-Puro (PX459) v2.0 vector by Genscript (USA). The genetically-modified cells were obtained by electroporation and selected using 10 µg/mL … | Get A Quote |
Mitochondria are attractive therapeutic targets for developing agents to delay age-related frailty and diseases. However, few promising leads have been identified from natural products. Previously, we identified roseltide rT1, a hyperstable 27-residue cysteine-rich peptide from , as a knottin-type neutrophil elastase inhibitor. Here, we show that roseltide rT1 is also a cell-penetrating, mitochondria-targeting peptide that increases ATP production. Results from flow cytometry, live-cell imaging, pulldown assays, and genetically-modified cell lines supported that roseltide rT1 enters cells via glycosaminoglycan-dependent endocytosis, and enters the mitochondria through TOM20, a mitochondria... More