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 Phaeocystis globosa Virus DNA Polymerase X: a “Swiss Army knife”, Multifunctional DNA polymerase-lyase-ligase for Base Excision Repair

Sci Rep. 2017-07; 
Fernández-García JL, de Ory A, Brussaard CPD, de Vega M.
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Bacterial Expression System The ORF corresponding to gene 401 of P. globosa virus was synthesized by Genscript Corporation Get A Quote


Phaeocystis globosa virus 16T is a giant virus that belongs to the so-called nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA virus (NCLDV) group. Its linear dsDNA genome contains an almost full complement of genes required to participate in viral base excision repair (BER). Among them is a gene coding for a bimodular protein consisting of an N-terminal Polβ-like core fused to a C-terminal domain (PgVPolX), which shows homology with NAD+-dependent DNA ligases. Analysis of the biochemical features of the purified enzyme revealed that PgVPolX is a multifunctional protein that could act as a "Swiss army knife" enzyme during BER since it is endowed with: 1) a template-directed DNApolymerization activity, preferenti... More
