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Chemical shift assignment of the viral protein genome-linked (VPg) from potato virus Y

Biomol NMR Assign. 2019-04; 
Coutinho de Oliveira L, Volpon L, Osborne MJ, Borden KLB
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Bacterial Expression System The sequence encoding Viral Protein genome-linked from PVY was chemically synthetized with codon optimization for expression in E. coli (GenScript) Get A Quote


The dysregulation of translation contributes to many pathogenic conditions in humans. Discovering new translational mechanisms is important to understanding the diversity of this process and its potential mechanisms. Such mechanisms can be initially observed in viruses. With this in mind, we studied the viral protein genome-linked VPg factor from the largest genus of plant viruses. Studies in plants show that VPg binds to the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E for translation of viral RNAs. VPg contains no known eIF4E binding motifs and no sequence homology to any known proteins. Thus, as a first step in understanding the structural basis of this interaction, we carried out NMR assignments of the VP... More


Cancer; Potyviruses; Translation; VPg; eIF4E