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Insights into the transport side of the human SLC38A9 transceptor

Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr.. 2019-07; 
Scalise M, Galluccio M, Pochini L, Cosco J, Trotta M, Rebsamen M, Superti-Furga G, Indiveri C
Products/Services Used Details Operation
PCR Cloning and Subcloning … membranes from GE Healthcare; pET vectors, RosettaGami2 and RosettaGami2(DE3)pLysS strains from Novagen; restriction endonucleases, other cloning reagents from Fermentas; Lemo21(DE3)pLysS from New …21(DE3)pLysS from New England Biolabs; optimized hSLC38A9 cDNA from GenScript Get A Quote


The lysosomal amino acid transporter SLC38A9 is referred to as transceptor, i.e. a transporter with a receptor function. The protein is responsible for coupling amino acid transport across the lysosomal membrane according to the substrate availability to mTORC1 signal transduction. This process allows cells to sense amino acid level responding to growth stimuli in physiological and pathological conditions triggering mTOR regulation. The main substrates underlying this function are glutamine and arginine. The functional and kinetic characterization of glutamine and arginine transport was performed using human SLC38A9 produced in E. coli, purified by affinity chromatography and reconstituted in liposomes. A coope... More


Cholesterol; Glutamine; Proteoliposomes; Transceptor; hSLC38A9; mTOR