Products/Services Used | Details | Operation |
ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud> | Generation of the inactivated start codons or other deletions and mutations in the uORFs of the 5′UTR was done by chemical synthesis (GenScript) of mutated and control sequences. A 60-amino acid peptide HPLC purified to over 95% purity with the sequence TAIIGVSRPLIHVRSVRRKGCVVESNPSPHGGRGALPSEGGSPSDLLFLAGGGHFAFSVY was purchased from Genscript. | Get A Quote |
Ascorbate (vitamin C) is an essential antioxidant and enzyme cofactor in both plants and animals. Ascorbate concentration is tightly regulated in plants, partly to respond to stress. Here, we demonstrate that ascorbate concentrations are determined via the posttranscriptional repression of GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase (GGP), a major control enzyme in the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway. This regulation requires a cis-acting upstream open reading frame (uORF) that represses the translation of the downstream GGP open reading frame under high ascorbate concentration. Disruption of this uORF stops the ascorbate feedback regulation of translation and results in increased ascorbate concentrations in leaves. The... More