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AtTCTP2, an Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein, enhances in vitro plant regeneration.

Front Plant Sci. 2015; 
Toscano-MoralesRoberto,Xoconostle-CázaresBeatriz,Cabrera-PonceJosé L,Hinojosa-MoyaJesús,Ruiz-SalasJorge L,Galván-GordilloSantiago V,Guevara-GonzálezRamón G,Ruiz-MedranoRob
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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud … The AtTCTP2 ORF with a stop codon replacing the start codon (stopAtTCTP2) was obtained by PCR using a mutagenic primer (Table S4). The AtTCTP1 and AtTCTP2 ORFs with the swapped domains (mAtTCTP1 and mAtTCTP2) were obtained from Genscript Corp … Get A Quote


The Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP) is a central regulator of cell proliferation and differentiation in animals, and probably also in plants. Arabidopsis harbors two TCTP genes, AtTCTP1 (At3g16640), which is an important mitotic regulator, and AtTCTP2 (At3g05540), which is considered a pseudogene. Nevertheless, we have obtained evidence suggesting that this gene is functional. Indeed, a T-DNA insertion mutant, SALK_045146, displays a lethal phenotype during early rosette stage. Also, both the AtTCTP2 promoter and structural gene are functional, and heterozygous plants show delayed development. AtTCTP1 cannot compensate for the loss of AtTCTP2, since the accumulation level... More


Agrobacterium rhizogenes,TCTP,lateral root,plant regeneration,vascular expres