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SIRT2 inactivation reveals a subset of hyperacetylated perinuclear microtubules inaccessible to HDAC6.

J. Cell. Sci.. 2016-08; 
SkogeRenate Hvidsten,ZieglerMat
Products/Services Used Details Operation
ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud pcDNA3.1+N-Myc harboring the ORF of human MAP2C (accession number NM_031845), cloned in through the BamHI and EcoRV restriction sites, was ordered from Genscript. Get A Quote


Deacetylation of α-tubulin at lysine 40 is catalyzed by two enzymes, the NAD-dependent deacetylase SIRT2 and the NAD-independent deacetylase HDAC6, in apparently redundant reactions. In the present study, we tested whether these two enzymes might have distinguishable preferences for the deacetylation of different microtubule structures. Using various agents, we induced tubulin hyperacetylation and analyzed the ensuing formation of distinct microtubule structures. HDAC6 inhibition led to general hyperacetylation of the microtubule network throughout the cell, whereas hyperacetylation induced by SIRT2 inactivation was limited to perinuclear microtubules. Hyperacetylation of these perinuclear microtubul... More


HDAC6,Microtubules,SIRT2,Tubulin deacetyla