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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud> | … Primers and probes targeting a 90 bp product of gB were used as previously described [13]. Specific primers and probes were designed to target 91 bp of ORF63 (Genscript, Piscataway, NJ, USA); cDNA using specific primer for LAT RNA was used as a template … | Get A Quote |
Alphaherpesviruses are highly prevalent in equine populations and co-infections with more than one of these viruses' strains frequently diagnosed. Lytic replication and latency with subsequent reactivation, along with new episodes of disease, can be influenced by genetic diversity generated by spontaneous mutation and recombination. Latency enhances virus survival by providing an epidemiological strategy for long-term maintenance of divergent strains in animal populations. The alphaherpesviruses equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and 9 (EHV-9) have recently been shown to cross species barriers, including a recombinant EHV-1 observed in fatal infections of a polar bear and Asian rhinoceros. Little is known about... More