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Mutagenesis Services> | 01. The third mutagenesis approach involved swapping of target domains (delete swaps) using synthetic gene fragments synthesized at GenScript USA (Supplementary fi | Get A Quote |
The thylakoid proton motive force (pmf) generated during photosynthesis is the essential driving force for ATP production; it is also a central regulator of light capture and electron transfer. We investigated the effects of elevated pmf on photosynthesis in a library of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with altered rates of thylakoid lumen proton efflux, leading to a range of steadystate pmf extents. We observed the expected pmf-dependent alterations in photosynthetic regulation, but also strong effects on the rate of photosystem II (PSII) photodamage. Detailed analyses indicate this effect is related to an elevated electric field (D ) component of the pmf, rather than lumen acidification, which in vivo increased ... More