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Evolution of coumaroyl conjugate 3-hydroxylases in land plants: lignin biosynthesis and defense.

Plant J.. 2019; 
AlberAnnette V,RenaultHugues,Basilio-LopesAlexandra,BassardJean-Etienne,LiuZhenhua,UllmannPascaline,LesotAgnès,BihelFrédéric,SchmittMartine,Werck-ReichhartDanièle,EhltingJü
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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud … moellendorffii (CYP98A38, Phytozome ID 15423174), P. vittata (CYP98A104, 1KP ID POPJ-2000876) and P. taeda (CYP98A19, GenBank ID AAL47685.1) were optimized for yeast expression and chemically synthesized by GenScript. Coding sequence of the B … Get A Quote


Multiple adaptations were necessary when plants conquered the land. Among them were soluble phenylpropanoids related to plant protection and lignin necessary for upright growth and long-distance water transport. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 98 (CYP98) catalyzes a rate-limiting step in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Phylogenetic reconstructions suggest that a single copy of CYP98 founded each major land plant lineage (bryophytes, lycophytes, monilophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms), and was maintained as a single copy in all lineages but the angiosperms. In angiosperms, a series of independent gene duplications and losses occurred. Biochemical assays in four angiosperm species tested showed that 4-co... More


cell wall,cytochrome P450 CYP98,molecular evolution,phenylpropanoids,plant chemical defe