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Establishment of reference values for the lysine acetylation marker N-acetyllysine in small volume human plasma samples by a multi-target LC-MS/MS method.

Amino Acids. 2019-08; 
GessnerArne,MiethMaren,AugeDaniel,ChafaiAnja,MüllerFabian,FrommMartin F,MaasR
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) constitute substantial burdens for public health. The identification and validation of risk markers for CVD and CKD in epidemiological studies requires frequent adaption of existing analytical methods as well as development of new methods. In this study, an analytical procedure to simultaneously quantify ten endogenous biomarkers for CVD and CKD is described. An easy-to-handle sample preparation requiring only 20 µL of human plasma is followed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The method was successfully validated according to established guidelines meeting required criteria for accuracy, precision, reco... More


Cardiovascular disease,Chronic kidney disease,Human plasma,LC–MS/MS,N ɛ-acetylly