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Id4 Downstream of Notch2 Maintains Neural Stem Cell Quiescence in the Adult Hippocampus.

Cell Rep. 2019-08; 
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Custom DNA/RNA Oligos … gene silencing : To specifically knockdown the endothelial ZO-1 polypeptide, two pairs of sense and anti-sense hairpin oligonucleotides flanked with BamH1 and EcoRI restriction sites at 5'-and 3'-end, respectively, were designed according to the GenScript siRNA sequence … Get A Quote


Neural stem cells (NSCs) in the adult mouse hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) are mostly quiescent, and only a few are in cell cycle at any point in time. DG NSCs become increasingly dormant with age and enter mitosis less frequently, which impinges on neurogenesis. How NSC inactivity is maintained is largely unknown. Here, we found that Id4 is a downstream target of Notch2 signaling and maintains DG NSC quiescence by blocking cell-cycle entry. Id4 expression is sufficient to promote DG NSC quiescence and Id4 knockdown rescues Notch2-induced inhibition of NSC proliferation. Id4 deletion activates NSC proliferation in the DG without evoking neuron generation, and overexpression increases NSC maintenance whi... More


Id4,Notch2,activation,cell cycle,hippocampus,neural stem cells,neurogenesis,quiesc