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An LC-MS/MS approach to assess total and free protein target in the serum of cynomolgus monkey.

Bioanalysis. 2019-03; 
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Proteins, Expression, Isolation and Analysis … diluted by adding 180 μl of phosphate-buffered saline buffer. To each well, 100 μl of prewashed GenScript protein A MagBeads was added through Kingfisher transfer rod. The plate was covered with a sealing film and incubated … Get A Quote


Develop LC-MS/MS-based assays to measure total and free complement C5 in cynomolgus monkey serum as a target engagement biomarker for pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic correlation study. Materials & methods/results: The C5-specific signature peptide derived from pellet digestion of serum proteins with and without prior immunodepletion of the drug-bound C5 by protein A beads was quantified to assess free and total C5 levels, respectively. Conditions for immunodepletion by protein A were optimized to ensure complete depletion of IgGs (and drug-bound C5). The effect of sample dilution on drug-target dissociation and thus free C5 measurement was evaluated by applying a mathematical simulation.


LC–MS/MS,complement component C5,immunodepletion,protein A,quasi-equilibrium,target engagement,total and free ta