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Nucleic Acid Purification & Analysis> | Cell transfections with the pRNAT vector (pRNAT-CMV3.1/Neo by GenScript), CEeRNA vectors were performed as follows: 300,000 shSCRA and shLSD1 cells were seeded in 35-mm petri dishes. | Get A Quote |
MyoD is a master regulator of myogenesis. Chromatin modifications required to trigger MyoD expression are still poorly described. Here, we demonstrate that the histone demethylase LSD1/KDM1a is recruited on the MyoD core enhancer upon muscle differentiation. Depletion of Lsd1 in myoblasts precludes the removal of H3K9 methylation and the recruitment of RNA polymerase II on the core enhancer, thereby preventing transcription of the non-coding enhancer RNA required for MyoD expression (CEeRNA). Consistently, Lsd1 conditional inactivation in muscle progenitor cells during embryogenesis prevented transcription of the CEeRNA and delayed MyoD expression. Our results demonstrate that LSD1 is required for the tim... More