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PCR Cloning and Subcloning> | The genes encoding D. melanogaster Syncrip isoform F (Uniprot A4V364) and codon-optimised H. sapiens Syncrip/hnRNP-Q (UniProt O60506, DNA purchased from GenScript) (Supplementary Table 3) were inserted into pET-52 SUMO or pET-5247 using Ligation Independent Cloning (LIC) to produce an HRV 3C cleavable amino-terminal His6SUMO and Hisfusion as described previously in ref. | Get A Quote |
Exosomal miRNA transfer is a mechanism for cell-cell communication that is important in the immune response, in the functioning of the nervous system and in cancer. Syncrip/hnRNPQ is a highly conserved RNA-binding protein that mediates the exosomal partition of a set of miRNAs. Here, we report that Syncrip's amino-terminal domain, which was previously thought to mediate protein-protein interactions, is a cryptic, conserved and sequence-specific RNA-binding domain, designated NURR (N-terminal unit for RNA recognition). The NURR domain mediates the specific recognition of a short hEXO sequence defining Syncrip exosomal miRNA targets, and is coupled by a non-canonical structural element to Syncrip's ... More