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Using a Robust and Sensitive GFP-Based cGMP Sensor for Real-Time Imaging in Intact .

Genetics. 2019; 
Woldemariam Sarah,Nagpal Jatin,Hill Tyler,Li Joy,Schneider Martin W,Shankar Raakhee,Futey Mary,Varshney Aruna,Ali Nebat,Mitchell Jordan,Andersen Kristine,Barsi-Rhyne Benjamin,Tran Alan,Costa Wagner Steuer,Krzyzanowski Michelle C,Yu Yanxun V,Brueggemann Chantal,Hamilton O Scott,Ferkey Denise M,VanHoven Miri,Sengupta Piali,Gottschalk Alexander,L'Etoile No
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Nucleic Acid Purification & Analysis This C. elegans codon-optomized sensor, prepared by Genscript, was inserted into a worm-specific Fire vector, pPD95.75 Get A Quote


cGMP plays a role in sensory signaling and plasticity by regulating ion channels, phosphodiesterases, and kinases. Studies that primarily used genetic and biochemical tools suggest that cGMP is spatiotemporally regulated in multiple sensory modalities. FRET- and GFP-based cGMP sensors were developed to visualize cGMP in primary cell culture and to corroborate these findings. While a FRET-based sensor has been used in an intact animal to visualize cGMP, the requirement of a multiple emission system limits its ability to be used on its own as well as with other fluorophores. Here, we demonstrate that a codon-optimized version of the cpEGFP-based cGMP sensor FlincG3 can be used to visualize rapidly chang... More


C. elegans,FlincG3,cGMP,sensory neuron,visual repo