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Discrete Evaluative and Premotor Circuits Enable Vocal Learning in Songbirds.

Neuron. 2019; 
KearneyMatthew Gene,WarrenTimothy L,HiseyErin,QiJiaxuan,MooneyRic
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Bacterial Expression System Neuron 104, 1–17, November 6, 2019 17 STAR+METHODS KEY RESOURCES TABLE REAGENT or RESOURCE SOURCE IDENTIFIER Antibodies mouse anti-GFP Invitrogen RRID: AB_221568 mouse anti-TH Invitrogen RRID: AB_795666 rabbit anti-mCherry Abcam RRID: AB_2571870 rabbit anti-PV Abcam RRID: AB_298032 rabbit anti-TH Millipore RRID: AB_390204 chicken anti-GFP Abcam RRID: AB_300798 donkey anti-chicken Jackson ImmunoResearch RRID: AB_2340371 goat anti-rabbit Invitrogen RRID: AB_2534095 goat anti-mouse Invitrogen RRID: AB_2534069 Bacterial and Virus Strains AAV1-CAG-ChR2(H134R)-mCherry Penn Vector Core, This manuscript Addgene 100054-AAV1 AAV9-CAG-NRXN-ChR2-YFP Penn Vector Core, In House N/A scAAV9-CMV-GFP UNC Vector Core N/A AAV9-CAG-ChR2(H134R)-mCherry Penn Vector Core N/A Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins Cholera Toxin Subunit B 647 Invitrogen Cat# 34778 Dextran, Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen Cat# D22910 C&B Metabond Parkell S380 Low Toxicity Silicone Adhesive World Precision Instruments KWIK-SIL Fluoromount-G Southern Biotech Cat# 0100-01 Blocking One Histo Nacalai Tesque 06349-64 Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata) N/A N/A Recombinant DNA Zebra Finch VGLUT2 cDNA GenScript N/A Zebra Finch VGAT cDNA GenScript N/A Software and Algorithms MATLAB Mathworks https://www.... Fluorescence in situ hybridization cDNA fragments used for synthesizing the in situ hybridization probes were commercially synthesized (GenScript). Get A Quote


Virtuosic motor performance requires the ability to evaluate and modify individual gestures within a complex motor sequence. Where and how the evaluative and premotor circuits operate within the brain to enable such temporally precise learning is poorly understood. Songbirds can learn to modify individual syllables within their complex vocal sequences, providing a system for elucidating the underlying evaluative and premotor circuits. We combined behavioral and optogenetic methods to identify 2 afferents to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) that serve evaluative roles in syllable-specific learning and to establish that downstream cortico-basal ganglia circuits serve a learning role that is only premotor. Furth... More


actor-critic,basal ganglia,birdsong,dopamine,optogenetics,reinforcement learning,skill learning,ventral tegmental area,vocal learning,zebra f