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DNA Sequencing> | ® Cycle Pure kit (Omega Bio-tek, Norcross, Georgia, USA) and submitted to GenScript (Piscataway, New Jersey, USA) for sequencing. | Get A Quote |
Centrorynchus nahuelhuapensis n. sp. is described from the intestine of Strix rufipes, the rufous-legged owl, in Patagonia, Argentina. This species is characterized by the presence of 31-33 hook rows with 16-17 hooks per row, distributed as follows: 5 true hooks, 4 transitional hooks with 4 alate processes, more evident in the first three, 7-8 spiniform hooks, and three cement glands. It differs from most members of the genus by having a filiform body, the arrangement and size of the hooks, the number of cement glands, and egg size. Part of the SSU and LSU genes were sequenced and compared to those in GenBank. Sequences are most similar to other species of Centrorhynchus, supporting thei... More