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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud> | … MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of expression constructs A codon-optimized ORF coding<br> for AtFKBP53 overex- pression in Escherichia coli, obtained from <b>Genscript</b> (Pis- cataway, NJ,<br> USA), was used as the template for the prepa- ration of all clones and E. coli strain … | Get A Quote |
FKBP53 is one of the seven multi-domain FK506-binding proteins present in Arabidopsis thaliana, and it is known to get targeted to the nucleus. It has a conserved PPIase domain at the C-terminus and a highly charged N-terminal stretch, which has been reported to bind to histone H3 and perform the function of a histone chaperone. To better understand the molecular details of this PPIase with histone chaperoning activity, we have solved the crystal structures of its terminal domains and functionally characterized them. The C-terminal domain showed strong PPIase activity, no role in histone chaperoning and revealed a monomeric five-beta palm-like fold that wrapped over a helix, typical of an FK506-binding domain. ... More