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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud> | hMRAP2 (Clone ID: OHu17223D; ORF: NM_138409.2) and hMC4R (Clone ID: OHu24975D; ORF: NM_005912.2) in pcDNA3.1 were obtained from GenScript. | Get A Quote |
Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R), a canonical melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor, is the main responsible for monogenic obesity in humans. Previous studies in fish and avian species showed that MC4R becomes an ACTH receptor after interaction with the melanocortin receptor accessory protein 2 (MRAP2). We show that human MC4R behaves in a similar way through its interaction with MRAP2. This evolutionary conservation of MRAP2-induced ligand selectivity supports a physiological role for the interaction with MC4R. Both proteins are coexpressed in the same hypothalamic neurons, providing an anatomical substrate and molecular mechanism for the central therapeutic actions of ACTH in the treatment of infantile spasms... More