A balanced and optimized metabolic pathway is the basis for efficient production of a target metabolite. Traditional strategies mostly involve the manipulation of promoters or ribosome-binding sites, which can encompass long sequences and can be complex to operate. In this work, we found that by changing only the three nucleotides of the initiation codons, expression libraries of reporter proteins RFP, GFP, and lacZ with a large dynamic range and evenly distributed expression levels could be established in Escherichia coli (E. coli). Thus, a novel strategy that uses combinatorial modulation of initial codons (CMIC) was developed for metabolic pathway optimization and applied to the three genes crtZ, crtY, and ... More
A balanced and optimized metabolic pathway is the basis for efficient production of a target metabolite. Traditional strategies mostly involve the manipulation of promoters or ribosome-binding sites, which can encompass long sequences and can be complex to operate. In this work, we found that by changing only the three nucleotides of the initiation codons, expression libraries of reporter proteins RFP, GFP, and lacZ with a large dynamic range and evenly distributed expression levels could be established in Escherichia coli (E. coli). Thus, a novel strategy that uses combinatorial modulation of initial codons (CMIC) was developed for metabolic pathway optimization and applied to the three genes crtZ, crtY, and crtI of the zeaxanthin synthesis pathway in E. coli. The initial codons of these genes were changed to random nucleotides NNN, and the gene cassettes were assembled into vectors via an optimized strategy based on type II restriction enzymes. With minimal labor time, a combinatorial library was obtained containing strains with various zeaxanthin production levels, including a strain with a titer of 6.33 mg/L and specific production value of 1.24 mg/g DCW-a striking 10-fold improvement over the starting strain. The results demonstrated that CMIC was a feasible technique for conveniently optimizing metabolic pathways. To our best knowledge, this is the first metabolic engineering strategy that relies on manipulating the initiation codons for pathway optimization in E. coli.,© 2019 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.