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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud> | Membrane fraction (25 mg) was incubated at 37 C with 10 ng of Ab40 (Bachem, Bubendorf, Switzerland) or Ab34 (Genscript, Piscataway, NJ, USA) in Tris 10 mM pH 7. | Get A Quote |
The β-amyloid precursor protein undergoes cleavages by β- and γ-secretasses yielding amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) that accumulate in Alzheimer's disease. Subsequently, Aβ peptides are targets of additional truncations or endoproteolytic cleavages explaining the diversity of Aβ-related fragments recovered in cell media or pathologic human fluids. Here, we focused on Aβ1-34 (Aβ34) that has been detected both in vitro and in vivo and that derives from the hydrolysis of Aβ by β-secretase. We have obtained and fully characterized by immunologic and biochemical approaches, a polyclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the C-terminus of Aβx-34. We present immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of A... More