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Identification and analysis of house-keeping and tissue-specific genes based on RNA-seq data sets across 15 mouse tissues.

Gene. 2016; 
Zeng J, Liu S, Zhao Y, Tan X, Aljohi HA, Liu W, Hu S.
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Molecular Biology Tools For validation of the target transcripts, primer sets were designed using web-based tool GenScript (https://www....genscript. Get A Quote


Recently, RNA-seq has become widely used technology for transcriptome profiling due to its single-base accuracy and high-throughput speciality. In this study, we applied a computational approach on an integrated RNA-seq dataset across 15 normal mouse tissues, and consequently assigned 8408 house-keeping (HK) genes and 2581 tissue-specific (TS) genes among UCSC RefGene annotation. Apart from some basic genomic features, we also performed expression, function and pathway analysis with clustering, DAVID and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, indicating the physiological connections (tissues) and diverse biological roles of HK genes (fundamental processes) and TS genes (tissue-corresponding processes). Moreover, we used R... More


Housekeeping; Mouse; RNA sequencing; Real-time PCR; Tissue specificity; Transcriptome profiling