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DNA Sequencing> | … Amplified fragments were electro- phoresed and purified with gel extraction and then sequenced by Genscript (Genscript, Nan Jing, China) Each D punctatus sample was sequenced bi-directionally and assembled using the software ContigExpress … | Get A Quote |
Thousand Island Lake (TIL) is a typical fragmented landscape and an ideal model to study ecological effects of fragmentation. Partial fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene of 23 island populations of Dendrolimus punctatus in TIL were sequenced, 141 haplotypes being identified. The number of haplotypes increased significantly with the increase in island area and shape index, whereas no significant correlation was detected between three island attributes (area, shape and isolation) and haplotype diversity. However, the correlation with number of haplotypes was no longer significant when the 'outlier' island JSD (the largest island) was not included. Additionally, we found no significant... More