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Identification and functional characterization of a novel acetyl-CoA carboxylase mutation associated with ketoenol resistance in Bemisia tabaci

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2020-04; 
BettinaLueke,VassilisDouris,Jamie E.Hopkinson,FrankMaiwald,GillianHertlein,Kyriaki-MariaPapapostolou,PabloBielza,AnastasiaTsagkarakou,ThomasVan Leeuwen,ChrisBass,JohnVontas,RalfNauen
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Custom Vector Construction Three different donor plasmids, DonorE645K, DonorA1079T and DonorA2083V were synthesized de novo (Genscript) to facilitate Homologous Directed Repair (HDR) for the generation of strains E645K, A1079T and A2083V, respectively (newly synthesized sequences were subcloned in pUC57 vector EcoRV site). Get A Quote


Insecticides of the tetronic/tetramic acid family (cyclic ketoenols) are widely used to control sucking pests such as whiteflies, aphids and mites. They act as inhibitors of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), a key enzyme for lipid biosynthesis across taxa. While it is well documented that plant ACCs targeted by herbicides have developed resistance associated with mutations at the carboxyltransferase (CT) domain, resistance to ketoenols in invertebrate pests has been previously associated either with metabolic resistance or with non-validated candidate mutations in different ACC domains. A recent study revealed high levels of spiromesifen and spirotetramat resistance in Spanish field populations of the whitefly Bem... More


Insecticide resistanceKetoenolsBemisia tabaciAcetyl-CoA carboxylaseTarget-site mutationCRISPR/Cas9