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To whom correspondence should be addressed: NE LB, School of Chemistry, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK Email

JBC Papers in Press. 2015; 
Stephanie Pfaffen , Justin M. Bradley , Raz Abdulqadir, , Marlo R. Firme, , Geoffrey R. Moore , Nick E. Le Brun , and Michael E. P. Murphy
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Molecular Biology Tools … The variant E44Q was synthesized by GenScript (Piscataway, by guest on November 15, 2015 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from Page 3. Ferritin Optimized for Iron Oxidation, not Iron Storage 3 NJ). All clones were verified by sequencing (Agencourt, Beverly, MA) … Get A Quote


Ferritin from the marine pennate diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (PmFTN) plays a key role in sustaining growth in iron-limited ocean environments. The di-iron catalytic ferroxidase center of PmFTN (sites A and B) has a nearby third iron site (site C) in an arrangement typically observed in prokaryotic ferritins. Here we demonstrate that Glu44, a site C ligand, and Glu130, a residue that bridges iron bound at sites B and C, limit the rate of post-oxidation reorganization of iron coordination and the rate at which Fe3+ exits the ferroxidase center for storage within the mineral core. The latter, in particular, severely limits the overall rate of iron mineralization. Thus, the diatom ferritin is optimized for ... More
