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Biochemicals> | … Drugs and reagents Dose of drugs and injection routes are indicated in figure legends ANP, BNP, CNP, SST, and OCT were supplied from GenScript USA Inc (Piscataway, NJ) GRP18-27 and NMB were from Bachem (King of Prussia, PA) … | Get A Quote |
Natriuretic peptide (NP) family comprises multiple peptides/receptors whose respective role in itch transmission remains unclear. We report that about 23% of Npr1 that encodes NP receptor A (NPRA) in the superficial spinal cord co-express gastrin-releasing peptide (Grp), while Npr3 that encodes NP receptor C (NPRC), partially overlaps with the neuromedin B receptor (NMBR) required for histamine-evoked itch. While Npr1 is required for chloroquine- (CQ) and histamine-evoked itch, the role of Npr3 is limited to the latter. Notably, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) significantly facilitated NMB-, but not GRP-, evoked scratching behavior, and Ca2 response in NMBR/NPRC cells. Consistently, BNP-saporin ablated spinal ... More